Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dream: Oct 8, 2006

There was building, it was very tall. I took the stairs up they were not very stable. I didn't know where but there was not only 1 but 2 elevators. I took an elevator down... I saw my Mom us it - smart lady. I wasn't on the same one as her. I found the stairs too scary to go down felt more like ladders. I don't actually remember taking them up but I always did. Stairs up , elevator down. No idea what the building was... lots of people in it all when t up to same floor. A meeting , perhaps?

There was someone there I know. A guy, with two kids - boys, young between talking and ten. He's married. The younger son mistakes me for his Mom. Why am I with them? I'm not their mother... Why am I talking to this guy? I'm planning on going to a film screening, series of shorts, one is highly controversial. Somehow there was a portal to this event and the boys went though. They shouldn't been there. I go after them and run into my sister's husband who saw them and reminded me of the specific content and that maybe they shouldn't be there. How did he know they were with me? He looks concerned. I look for them, the theatre isn't large. Its decorated up for Halloween with spiderwebs and ghosts. I can't find them. I see 2 boys but that isn't them. Now I feel like I've lost them and it was my fault, I don't care about the film at all anymore (very strange for me...) and am worried. I don't even know where their father is anymore.

Outside is kinda market-y and looks like Old Montreal or Niagara Falls. They could be anywhere.

Rest is foggy, I think they all found each other and everything was fine, except I had no idea what it had to do with me.


Suzie Ridler said...

Wow Shannon! I love this idea for a blog and find your dreams fascinating, as always.

Do you want other people's interpretations or just responses in general?

I love the sound of the theatre. I can really see those ladder-like staircases.


Shannon said...

Feel free to respond any way you like!

Jamie said...

It's a really neat idea to have a dream blog. I've emailed you my thoughts on this one :)