Sunday, December 10, 2006

Dream Dec 6/06

I was on a tiny bike, and I dropped off something to a woman on the corner of a street that was on 'the other side' of one of the main streets where I grew up. I dropped off a calculator to her, but it didn't work. I had an extra one on me so I offered it to her to.

I kept biking and went by a little parkette and noticed that it seems a lot smaller than I remembered, realizing that it had been many years since I was there. There were 2 guys there that looked a little like hoodlums but they were actually fixing bikes, and they helped me fix mine.

Dream: Nov 29/06

I was in a house, well more like a flat with about 10+ people in it a lot of whom were physically fighting with each other for fun. After a while I went up to them and said how many of you have been here and *not* gotten into a fight today? Only a few raised their hands and one girl said "Good for you" to me for having the guts to bring this to attention. There was also a baby there, and part of the flat had no roof and was open to the sky.