Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dream Sept 20/06, Quote

Ok this is from a while back but it's just too funny I have to post it I ran across it today while going through some stuff.

I remember someone saying "If Ben Mulroney couldn't fix Canadian Idol, then Brian Mulroney couldn't fix the country."

How wierd is that?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dream: October 15, 2006

Something were the total items or variables that was once 3 is now 4. Might be containers or drawwers. Also, the amount of possibilities and combinations has increased, whereas previously the resources to draw on were fixed.

Odd, I have no visual memory of this dream only the impression of this idea after waking.

Dream #2: October 14, 2006

I was on the streetcar with a turkey (2nd dream of turkey in same night.. wierd..) I was going along the streetcar for what seemed like forever. I was at one end and where I needed to be was the furthest away on that line. When the streetcar was getting pretty full but the driver let on 3 older ladies who brought there own chairs and sat in the front. Highly unusual irl but you could tell that this was a normal pattern for them. Then we were on our way again. I noticed that I could only see water and the tracks... when did we leave land? The streetcar doesn't go there.... Then the driver said "Here we go!" and down we went on the tracks and into the water. I was slightly freaking out at this point.. where were we going? Why didn't they make an announcement? I completely did not expect this. We were travelling quickly and ended up on land again, an island to be exact. The driver said it was Long Island (I knew it must have been Ward's Island or Centre Island, somewhere on the Toronto islands). There was a ferry that came to dock near us with almost no one on it. I guess the new streetcar is going to put the ferry out of service. Someone nearby mentioned we were only hours away from Australia, how could we be close to there is still in Toronto?

Dream #1: October 14, 2006

There were about 5 roasting pans cooking turkey. Most were full but 1 was in pieces - the turkey not the pan. I was on some kind of trip but I never was with the group. I was either late or behind, I always missed the beginning of an activity therefore was never sure how it worked. Was this self serve? Did you have to pay for the food? Is this a store or activity centre? How long are you suppose to stay at any one spot. One place there was a bunch of stuff I wanted but it was closed and night time, but I was inside anyway. Could I take it? Was it included in the trip? There were a series of rooms or stores that all had different items and possibly activities. At some point someone said the bus would be leaving at 2AM and we would sleep through and arrive normal time at our destination.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Dream #2: October 13, 2006

This dream occurred in that 'after alarm first went off but before snooze really wakes you up'. Freaks me out that a dream that feels so long and so detailed can occur in such a short time.

I was at work and took a phone call for the boss, asked her if she wanted to speak with 'John', she asked who that was and I said I didn't know and I only asked his name. She said get their name, place and context then ask and wouldn't actually take the call. I tried to do this but I couldn't understand what 'John' was saying, everytime I asked a question it was like the impotant part of the response his voice turned into dead air. Voice, not the phone. Or my hearing, or my brain wouldn't process the information. He was getting frustrated at not being put through and the conversation seemed to go over forever. Also , there were about 4-5 different kinds of people that interacted or would call there and he was part of one of those sets of people. I think it was a non-human group, spirits or ghosts or otherworld-y. Not a regular contact but more of some kind of phenomena. I was mad because I felt like can't the person just take my word for it that yes they should talk to them?

I also afterwards was at the mall by the house I grew up in but all the halls were a lot skinnier and I went into a restaurent that was always there but I never actually went to.

The funny thing about this dream was the day before I was talking to a co-worked saying I never had dreams about work which is great, means nothing pressing or annoying me. I used to have dreams all the time when I worked at bookstores that I couldn't punch in the codes for the books or make change (which is ridiculous, I was a psycho-great cashier). But in this context I HATE answering the phone and almost left when I found out that I would have to cover phones at all. I really really really really don't like doing that, I would prefer to work somewhere where the phone never rang, or I only had an outgoing line.

Dream #1: October 13, 2006

I had a film rating system website and got a few friends to test it. Max score was 20, compiling 2 categories of 10 each. There was an icon that appeared when a vote was doing. For some reason the scores were showing odd, highest score was 4/20.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dream: October 10, 2006

Trying really hard to remember my dream. I was thinking about it but fell back asleep, woke up in a jolt, late, rushed to get to work.

Whenever I think of it I'm seeing Veronica Mars. But I don't think that is it - I watched that last night.

There was a dog. And a show... a fashion show? I remember it being dark. And hiding. I remember what it felt like to be hiding. Scrunched up. But, from who?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dream: Oct 8, 2006

There was building, it was very tall. I took the stairs up they were not very stable. I didn't know where but there was not only 1 but 2 elevators. I took an elevator down... I saw my Mom us it - smart lady. I wasn't on the same one as her. I found the stairs too scary to go down felt more like ladders. I don't actually remember taking them up but I always did. Stairs up , elevator down. No idea what the building was... lots of people in it all when t up to same floor. A meeting , perhaps?

There was someone there I know. A guy, with two kids - boys, young between talking and ten. He's married. The younger son mistakes me for his Mom. Why am I with them? I'm not their mother... Why am I talking to this guy? I'm planning on going to a film screening, series of shorts, one is highly controversial. Somehow there was a portal to this event and the boys went though. They shouldn't been there. I go after them and run into my sister's husband who saw them and reminded me of the specific content and that maybe they shouldn't be there. How did he know they were with me? He looks concerned. I look for them, the theatre isn't large. Its decorated up for Halloween with spiderwebs and ghosts. I can't find them. I see 2 boys but that isn't them. Now I feel like I've lost them and it was my fault, I don't care about the film at all anymore (very strange for me...) and am worried. I don't even know where their father is anymore.

Outside is kinda market-y and looks like Old Montreal or Niagara Falls. They could be anywhere.

Rest is foggy, I think they all found each other and everything was fine, except I had no idea what it had to do with me.


Welcome to my dream blog.

I've always had crazy dreams, and I love hearing other dreams as well. I'm of the mind that your dreams are telling you something. I believe that they mean something very specific to the dreamer, and may or may not be clear to someone else. I can think about a dream for ages but not unlock the key until I share it.

I have no idea the frequency or lifetime of this Clouds & Lava. I might find it too personal and end up deleting it. I am interested more in the process and journey than the end result. And for now, that's enough.

I apologize in advance for spelling, grammer and is things are not the easiest to understand. Date of entry is the morning of the dream.