Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dream Nov 25/06

I was looking at apartments, I already had one but I was looking at them anyway. I went to a veiwng and the landlord wasn't there but a friendly tenant let me look around. One of the spaces there was the same room that was the room of first place I lived on my own. That was one of the two spaces, just the room. The other space was HUGE! It was 1/2 of the house but it was the width of 2 houses with plush blue carpeting. It was so big a whole family could live there.

Dream: Nov 23/06

I was in the house I grew up in with about 15 people in it. Then 2 guys held it up with guns. I knew them. I didn't think they would treat me the same as everyone else but they did. I did have a bunch of cash but it was hidden in a shirt. Everyone eneded up muddy somehow and I went back into the house through a window. I did not want them to find the cash I had and was pretty risky about protecting it.

Dream: Nov 21/06

I was starting at the taple and there were a bunch of people there and champagne around someone was getting ready to toast. I didn't know the people there but they knew my name.

All of the mustard coloured plates I had were broken, like they were mine but I wasn't suppose to have them.

I was on a boat with my brother and Suzie. I fell ou/off but onto another kind of something that was floating. Suzie was on a small rowboat kind of thing and was very adeptly manuvering it to get to me and my brother.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dream: Nov 15, 2006

I was at some kind of fundraiser, but there really wasn't much there. 2 walls of items and some candy and food, but you walked in and saw everything there in a few moments. I ran into a friend and she had picked something up for me so I paid her back. Apparently I had bought 2 things for her and she paid me back in 2 handfuls of coins, mostly pennies and nickles. The transportation wherever we were was odd, but might have been buses.

I was at home, and looked out my front window and there was a guy connected a cable up high between to posts. He said it was for a taxi computer and took him 2 days to get it up there.

Dream: Nov 14, 2006

I was on the subway and there was a kind of beliegerent woman, she was yelling and walking on the tracks, not in front but actually beside. There were parellel tracks that you could see through a slight tunnel. I don't think it was safe there but that is where she went, yelling away.

2 friends of mine were renovating a building, or at least part of it, it looked like a theatre. There was the possibility that it was haunted in some way. There was the need to transport an object, I think the spirit was inside the object. And then something about coffee.

I can't read my handwriting from this dream for the most part but it was scary, and I woke up feeling quite shaken.

Dream: Nov 8, 2006

Found these really sketchy notes:

Daytimer, looking at different kinds, bought 2.
Little cat with dirty ears
Unfamiliar surroundings

Often to remember my dreams I write out some key words and phrases right when I wake up and then later write out the dream and flush out the images and ideas more. Must be to much time past for this one as I have no idea what these references are