Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dream: Nov 15, 2006

I was at some kind of fundraiser, but there really wasn't much there. 2 walls of items and some candy and food, but you walked in and saw everything there in a few moments. I ran into a friend and she had picked something up for me so I paid her back. Apparently I had bought 2 things for her and she paid me back in 2 handfuls of coins, mostly pennies and nickles. The transportation wherever we were was odd, but might have been buses.

I was at home, and looked out my front window and there was a guy connected a cable up high between to posts. He said it was for a taxi computer and took him 2 days to get it up there.


Anonymous said...

The money aspect of the fundraising's like whatever you put out you will get back, even when you give extra. Does that make sense? Not sure about the computer taxi thingy, what's up with that?

Shannon said...

I'm not sure what you mean. I was at a fundraiser, I didn't buy/support anything there just had a personal borrow/return with a friend. This one makes little sense to me.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about you buying your friend two things and her giving you two handfuls of change. Perhaps I read it wrong. Balance is what came to me.