Friday, October 13, 2006

Dream #2: October 13, 2006

This dream occurred in that 'after alarm first went off but before snooze really wakes you up'. Freaks me out that a dream that feels so long and so detailed can occur in such a short time.

I was at work and took a phone call for the boss, asked her if she wanted to speak with 'John', she asked who that was and I said I didn't know and I only asked his name. She said get their name, place and context then ask and wouldn't actually take the call. I tried to do this but I couldn't understand what 'John' was saying, everytime I asked a question it was like the impotant part of the response his voice turned into dead air. Voice, not the phone. Or my hearing, or my brain wouldn't process the information. He was getting frustrated at not being put through and the conversation seemed to go over forever. Also , there were about 4-5 different kinds of people that interacted or would call there and he was part of one of those sets of people. I think it was a non-human group, spirits or ghosts or otherworld-y. Not a regular contact but more of some kind of phenomena. I was mad because I felt like can't the person just take my word for it that yes they should talk to them?

I also afterwards was at the mall by the house I grew up in but all the halls were a lot skinnier and I went into a restaurent that was always there but I never actually went to.

The funny thing about this dream was the day before I was talking to a co-worked saying I never had dreams about work which is great, means nothing pressing or annoying me. I used to have dreams all the time when I worked at bookstores that I couldn't punch in the codes for the books or make change (which is ridiculous, I was a psycho-great cashier). But in this context I HATE answering the phone and almost left when I found out that I would have to cover phones at all. I really really really really don't like doing that, I would prefer to work somewhere where the phone never rang, or I only had an outgoing line.

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