Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dream #1: October 14, 2006

There were about 5 roasting pans cooking turkey. Most were full but 1 was in pieces - the turkey not the pan. I was on some kind of trip but I never was with the group. I was either late or behind, I always missed the beginning of an activity therefore was never sure how it worked. Was this self serve? Did you have to pay for the food? Is this a store or activity centre? How long are you suppose to stay at any one spot. One place there was a bunch of stuff I wanted but it was closed and night time, but I was inside anyway. Could I take it? Was it included in the trip? There were a series of rooms or stores that all had different items and possibly activities. At some point someone said the bus would be leaving at 2AM and we would sleep through and arrive normal time at our destination.


Suzie Ridler said...

It sounds like you're really worried about knowing the perimeters of a particular task, in this case it's turkey. It helps us feel in control when we know what we're supposed to do and how we're supposed to do it. Are you feeling uncertain about something Shannon?

Shannon said...

I wasn't actually worried throughout the dream but it was just one of those things that I think I continually get put in the position where I'm unprepared/untrained/unequiped.

Ironically I don't feel like I'm feeling that in any particular capacity right now, but it has been a consistant feeling over a number of years.